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Opposition of Trademark in Lithuania

18 August 2016
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oppose trademark in Lithuania; oppose international trademark in Lithuania; protest trademark in Lithuania; protest international trademark in Lithuania; fill an opposition in Lithuania; fill protest in Lithuania Opposing trademark in Lithuania

There are 3 protections for trademarks in Lithuania: National, International and Regional (EU trademarks protection). Interested persons or their representatives may oppose registration of trademark filing an opposition with the Appeals Division at the State Patent Bureau (SPB) of Lithuania.

An opposition with the Appeals Division may be filed within 3 months following the publication of the registered trademark in the Official Bulletin of the SPB. An opposition regarding international registration of a trademark must be filed with the Appeals Division within 3 months from the day of publishing the data on the international registration of a trademark or subsequent territorial extension, which designates the Republic of Lithuania, in the Gazette of International Marks of the International Bureau.


oppose trademark in Lithuania; oppose international trademark in Lithuania; protest trademark in Lithuania; protest international trademark in Lithuania; fill an opposition in Lithuania; fill protest in Lithuania Fee for filling an opposition in Lithuania

Prior to filing an opposition with the Appeals Division, persons must pay a fixed State fee of 92 EUR. A document certifying the payment of a fixed fee is a payment order with stamp of the bank, or a receipt of the bank, or a receipt of the postal money order to an indicated bank account. 


oppose trademark in Lithuania; oppose international trademark in Lithuania; protest trademark in Lithuania; protest international trademark in Lithuania; fill an opposition in Lithuania; fill protest in Lithuania Form and content of opposition

An opposition must be filed in a fixed form and contain information on the opponent, information on registration of trademark against which the opposition is filed, legal grounds and circumstances of the opposition, reference to articles of the Law on Trademarks, evidences justifying circumstances set forth by the opponent and claim of the opponent in general.


oppose trademark in Lithuania; oppose international trademark in Lithuania; protest trademark in Lithuania; protest international trademark in Lithuania; fill an opposition in Lithuania; fill protest in Lithuania Acceptance of an opposition

The Appeals Division of SPB having received an opposition, must make a ruling to recognize opposition as admissible. The Appeals Division must notify in writing the holder of an opposed trademark or his representative on the received opposition and must communicate one copy of the opposition and other submitted documents within 14 calendar days from the day of receipt of the opposition.   


Should you have any questions of possibility to oppose trademark in Lithuania, please contact our lattorneys at law at



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