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Doing Business Guide in the Baltics.
The program ‘Newcomer’ introduced by the Central Bank of Lithuania
The Central Bank of Lithuania has made a promise to provide...
Basic principles of Media law in Lithuania
The core principle of media law in the Republic of Lithuania is the right of an individual to seek, obtain, and disseminate information and ideas...
Opposing trademark in Lithuania
There are 3 protections for trademarks in Lithuania: National, International and Regional (EU trademarks protection). Interested persons or their representatives may oppose...
The right of representation in Lithuania
The right of Legal representation in court as well as defence and representation in legal proceedings in Lithuania have licensed advocates. These professionals are mandatory...
Since the restoration of the independence in 1990 Lithuania has been firmly applying the principle of prohibition of double citizenship. There are, however, exeptions that allow eligible...
If one is planning to start a company and business in Lithuania, they should be aware of the company name requirements in the country. Please be informed on requirements on company names valid in Lithuania as...
Part 3
Register the transfer of title to the property in the Real Estate Register
According to the Lithuanian law, the registration of...
Part 2
Request for clarification and revision of cadastral and registration data
For the execution of the sale-purchase agreement a notary...
Part 1
This real estate guide gives an overview introduction to the key requirements when buying or selling real estate in Lithuania. This article is...
Our law firm represents log house producer from Netherlands in civil case regarding infringement of registered community design rights. Claim is raised in Vilnius county court...
According to the Law on Citizenship, persons whose ancestors were citizens of Lithuania have a right to reinstate their citizenship. But what seems as a simple administrative procedure, can...
Procedures For Terminating the Agreement
In all cases the termination of an employment contract must comply with the...
Changes To The Contract
In the event of changes in production, its scope,...
General Principles
Forums For Adjudicating Employment Disputes
The Labour...
From January 1, 2015 the amendments of the Civil Procedure Code regulating class action came into force. Prior to the amendments, class action was merely a theoretical...
A court decision does not always satisfy the parties of the dispute. In such case, the best remedy might be to appeal the decision. However, for an appeal to be admitted by the...
When a product released to the market causes injuries or damages, the first task of claimant is to determine a guilty party. Legislation of different countries may hold different parties responsible, hence sometimes it is hard...
On September 6th Lithuanian Ministry of Culture has passed Regulation on movie financing...
Mergers and acquisitions form a part of corporate reorganizations. Reorganization is the process that terminates the legal person without liquidation. It shall be noted that reorganizations should...
Electronic money institution in Lithuania shall receive a license according to the provisions of the Law on Electronic Money and Electronic...