L’ impôt sur le revenu en Lituanie: la planification fiscale 2011 en Lituanie
Tuesday, 19 April 2011
18 April 2011 was a marked day in the calendars of representatives and members of all the Chambers of Commerce in Lithuania.
Gencs Valters law firm in Vilnius, represented by Head of Lithuanian office Dovilė Aleknienė, held a seminar on Expatriate Tax Planning at Lokys Restaurant in Vilnius. The seminar was held in association with Swedish Chamber of Commerce in Lithuania.
Pan-Baltic and internationally recognized Gencs Valters law firm continues series of seminars organized in all three Baltic States. Previously held seminars in Riga and Tallinn were a tremendous success and will be held on annually.
This initiative is aimed to gather Lithuanian and Expatriate business representatives discuss investment possibilities in Lithuania and open debate on legal and business matters between diverse professionals.
If you have any questions or require additional information, do not hesitate to contact Dovilė Alekniene at Gencs Valters law firm in Vilnius at:
Vilnius Gates, 6th floor, A. Tumeno st. 4, LT-01109, Vilnius, Lithuania
T: +370 52 61 10 00 F: +370 52 61 11 00
Please see seminar presentation below